Blog Archives

Customer Loyalty Strongest Among iPhone Owners

Survey after survey places Apple products far ahead of their competitors in terms of customer satisfaction. It’s never even a true contest, iOS devices and Macs consistently come it on top by a wide margin. So it seems fitting that

Posted in Android, Apple Inc., Blackberry, iOS, Nokia, Windows

Nokia tax issue may be headed for a diplomatic solution

The Rs. 2,000-crore Nokia tax issue may be headed for a diplomatic solution as the government is reading for an out-of-court settlement. It is veering around the idea of imposing a penalty on Nokia rather than paying up the pending

Posted in Nokia, Nokia Lumia

Nokia Lumia 925 spotted in leaked picture

Nokia’s London event is fast approaching, so it’s only natural that its newest device leaks on the internet before its officially announced to the world. Thanks to yet another leaked image by the notorious @evleaks, we’re able to see what

Posted in Nokia, Nokia Lumia

Nokia Lumia 925 officially announced: it’s like thinner and lighter Lumia 920 with aluminum body and new software

Nokia has officially announced a new member of its smartphone range – Lumia 925. The device is pretty much improved version of the existing Lumia 920, dumping polycarbonate for more durable (and sexier) aluminum. The new Lumia is also thinner

Posted in Nokia, Nokia Lumia

Rumor: PureView Camera Touting Nokia Lumia 928 Coming to Verizon?

Nokia Verizon may be getting the Nokia Lumia 928 smartphone, thanks to a leaked image from @evleaks. The leaked image shows that the unit will indeed take advantage of Verizon’s 4G LTE network, running on the Windows Phone 8 OS

Posted in Nokia, Nokia Lumia