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20 New Latest iPhone Tips And Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your New iPhone

10. You can take a picture using the headphone cord. Ever want to get a bit father away from the camera when taking a self portrait? Everyone should know that you can snap a picture with your iPhone by pressing

Posted in iPhone Tips and Tricks

iPhone 5 tips and tricks (Hardware)

HardwareA case is a good idea this time aroundApple completely changed the hardware design of the iPhone series with the iPhone 5. Where previous generations were made of glass and steel, most of the iPhone 5 is aluminium. The positive

Posted in iPhone Tips and Tricks

You Didn’t Know Your iPhone Could Do,Take Photos with Headphone (iPhone Tricks)

Let’s start with something simple. When taking photos, it is important to remember that despite the advanced features that come with the iPhone camera, it is still an iPhone. There are times when photos become jittery, but one way to

Posted in iPhone Tips and Tricks