Blog Archives

One Click Android Logins Hacked…

Android is a product of Google, so naturally, it’s made to make using Google services easier. In fact, one could speculate that Google’s main motivation for creating a mobile operating system was to get more people to use their services.

Posted in Android, Hacked Report

iOS/Android : The State of Android Fragmention

Android fragmentation was supposed to start becoming less of an issue when Google started offering “pure” Android devices. However, it seems as though Android fragmentation is actually becoming worse. A study done by Open Signal showed just how badly the

Posted in Android, Apple Inc., iOS

Obama Administration : Saved Older Apple 3G Products from Ban…

Today, the Obama administration vetoed the ban placed by the ITC on older Apple products that used 3G technologies that Samsung had a patent on. Samsung licenses the patent to other manufacturers under the fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory license, or

Posted in Android, Apple Inc., Apple iPhones

Customer Loyalty Strongest Among iPhone Owners

Survey after survey places Apple products far ahead of their competitors in terms of customer satisfaction. It’s never even a true contest, iOS devices and Macs consistently come it on top by a wide margin. So it seems fitting that

Posted in Android, Apple Inc., Blackberry, iOS, Nokia, Windows