Monthly Archives: May 2013

Apple to double ‘iPhone 5S’ Retina Resolution

A new report claims Apple is planning to increase the resolution of a future iPhone model to 1.5 million pixels — double that of the pixel count on the current iPhone 5 iPhone 5S with iOS 7 The details come

Posted in Apple iPhone 5S, Apple iPhones

The Apple WWDC 2-Minute Sell-Out Cover-Up

Tickets for WWDC sold out in 2 minutes!! I can’t believe it — and they didn’t even save me one? I am not a happy camper! All jokes aside — did Apple really sell out of tickets for this year’s

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple iPhones

iPhone 5S have at least three color Why?

No matter what you are calling it, iPhone 5S or iPhone 6, Apple’s next-generation smartphone is expected soon. Maybe in June. We probably won’t see a higher resolution display, but we might see more than two color versions of the

Posted in Apple iPhone 5S

Apple will Launch New Product In June At WWDC, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 Release Date 2013,

The iPhone 6, iPhone 5S release date for 2013 rumor is once again taking its peak. The speculations on the product’s release date has run rampant in recent months, beginning shortly after the iPhone 5 launched last September. At the

Posted in Apple iPhone 5S, Apple iPhones, iPhone 6

Apple trolls us with ‘iWatch’ tease in latest iPhone music ad

Here’s an amusing little image for your Friday: the screenshot above is a clip from Apple’s newest “Music Every Day” ad, which was posted on their YouTube channel last night. If you pay attention at around 0:30 in the commercial, you’ll see

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple's iWatch

No Apple watch until late 2014, analyst says

Don’t expect to see Apple’s iWatch until the second half of next year, says KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. iWatch Consumers awaiting Apple’s rumored wearable, watch-like device might need to wait until next year before the gadget sees the light

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple's iWatch, iWatch

iPhone 6, iPhone 5S Delayed Release Date Due to New Suicide Cases of Foxconn Workers?

Latest reports stated that the delay in iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S release date can be blamed to Foxconn workers committing suicide. Foxconn is Apple’s partner in China that is charge of the mass production of Apple devices. However, the Chinese company is clouded by controversy

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple iPhone 5S, Apple iPhones

iPhone 5S with New Concept.

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple iPhone 5S, Apple iPhones

iPhone 6, iPhone 5S Release Date in September with Unchanged Price?

The latest rumours claimed that the upcoming Apple smartphones dubbed as iPhone 6 and iPhone 5S will be released later this year to be sold at the same price. Rumour has it that the next iPhone will feature Retina or

Posted in Apple Inc., Apple iPhone 5S, Apple iPhones

Samsung Galaxy S5 with fingerprint sensor

A top analyst has seen a pattern emerging, and that is smartphones due for release later this year could incorporate fingerprint readers. This doesn’t come as a surprise because there has already been hints that the next iPhone (iPhone 5S

Posted in Galaxy sV, Samsung, Samsung Galaxy